Thursday, June 23, 2011

Why "Super Stars" don't date "Regular People".

There are many reasons why they do this; there are only Five (5) am going to mention.
1. "Super Stars" are HOT.
2. The selling of their Albu
ms if they are a song star or their Movies if they are a movie star.
3. Keeping the success one circle.
4. Money.

5. Love.

1. .
"Super Stars" are HOT
Any man will want to get with one of the stars. They (stars) works very hard in keeping their self intact in order t
o keep the perfect image to the public both male and female. Also their body are their money maker. Keeping fit is also a days work it also entails a whole lot of efforts and loads of time. In the Stars industries the HOTTER you look the more money ones make and more contracts deals they tends to get. But when stars dates stars this tends to send a relative good images on the stars who's dating each other and on their publicity. So keeping that HOTT 'hunky' bods for men and that sexy bods for females is the best thing a man or woman will ever dream off laying next to them when the night comes. Even in the morning on waking up and making sure that its not just a bream. The morning breath will surely make sure that you're not dreaming.

2.The selling of their Albums if they are a song star or their Movies if they are a movie star.

In this situation it will use an example of Rihanna and Chris Brown. We all know the story. In the heat of the tantrum there were lots and lots of comments and a blick future for the two careers. On the other hand after a few months there were a 'sliver lining behind that dark cloud'. The two started singing about each other thus, sending it all up stream for their popularity Christ Brown went ahead and sang "look at me now" and Rhianna sang "take a bow". The two records went through the roof. Even though the two had a nasty break up; they still made millions off of each other.

3. Keeping the success in one circle.
On being a celebrity keeping the money in one circle is a very dif
ficult thing to do. Every celebrity had a pass life before being successful. They had boyfriends and girlfriends but becoming a celebrity takes hard work and sacrifice. Almost every celebrity had to make a choice between picking the person they stay with for the rest of their life to the cloths the wear. Also the old boy friend or girl friend they pick may have a lawsuit tired to their ankle. Meaning that if they married:- if the person was 'poor' and u married that person, buy nice cars, fancy cloths, buy a big house, etc...... When that person file for a divorce. They celebrity has to provide them with the lifestyle they provide for that person but on less if they decided to sign a prenuptial agreement then every thing stays the same. Example: Tiger Woods and his Ex wife......

4. Money.
This is comes as the same as 'Number 3'. Stars make money off of stars. With out a prenuptial agreement the two parties are vulnerable. And with a messy divorce fans tends to be sympathizes. Buy more of their items, buying their books, and supporting them all the way. And also when a star is dating every one will love to read the new gossip.


It's hard for the stars to settle down with one person; especially when they are doing movies with some other sexy actor. Around the world every morning persons may hear/read "celebrity break up" and it's a true statement that "celebrity marriage never last". This phrase may not be true all the time. For this i have tons of good examples but i will only use the best one "Will and Jada Smith". And this is all i have to say........................................................................................

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